Entry Number 3 (Module 6)
Today’s blog will reflect on what a technology-infused classroom would look like. A technology-infused classroom is one that incorporates technology into its day-to-day routines. According to Dr. Meeuwse a technology-infused classroom is one that: “if done correctly, the technology becomes invisible” (Meeuwse, 2013). This is a great point as it should be seamless. Integrating technology should be no different than utilizing a textbook, a worksheet, or any other tool needed for teachers to teach or students to successfully learn. There is no mandated format as to what exactly a technology-infused classroom should look. While it may be preferred for the format to be a 1:1 ratio of student to device, funding is still a major hurdle for many schools today. Some schools have the funding to create this type of scenario and then some. Meaning they have a 1:1 student:device ratio, including technological tools for the teacher to use as well. On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have sch...