Entry Number 3 (Module 6)

Today’s blog will reflect on what a technology-infused classroom would look like. A technology-infused classroom is one that incorporates technology into its day-to-day routines. According to Dr. Meeuwse a technology-infused classroom is one that: “if done correctly, the technology becomes invisible” (Meeuwse, 2013). This is a great point as it should be seamless. Integrating technology should be no different than utilizing a textbook, a worksheet, or any other tool needed for teachers to teach or students to successfully learn. There is no mandated format as to what exactly a technology-infused classroom should look. While it may be preferred for the format to be a 1:1 ratio of student to device, funding is still a major hurdle for many schools today. Some schools have the funding to create this type of scenario and then some. Meaning they have a 1:1 student:device ratio, including technological tools for the teacher to use as well. On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have schools who are simply lucky to have enough student enrollment to even keep the doors open. I see both extremes daily. On the plus side, the lower income school houses crafty teachers who utilize outside sources such as donations or even promotions like "Limeades for Learning" through Sonic to acquire some technology for their respective classrooms. In either case, whatever the technology is (i.e. laptops, desktop computers, tablets, etc.) it is seamlessly woven into the day-to-day lessons and activities the students do, thus enhancing their learning by providing a doorway for them to explore the world around them.


Cresskill’s LATI Classrooms. (n.d.) [Online image]. Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/site/cresskillslaticlassrooms/about

Meeuwse, K. (2013). Technology infused classrooms. Retrieved from https://iteachwithipads.net/2013/02/26/technology-infused-classrooms
